It seems like whenever flight attendants are in television or movies, they are portrayed to live a wild life. They are often shown partying it up and meeting new people on a regular basis.
Due to movies and TV, there is a common belief that flight attendants have affairs while travelling for work. But is it true?
Do Flight Attendants have affairs?
Flight attendants do have affairs, but there’s no reason to assume they do it more often than other professionals.
In this article we’ll take a look at some of the details related to this question and answer some additional questions.
Flight Attendants are People Like Everyone Else
The important thing to remember is that flight attendants are people like everyone else. There are people who have affairs from every profession you can imagine. That includes people with jobs that sound more exciting (like flight attendants) as well as doctors, accountants, and teachers.
Are there flight attendants that do in fact have affairs? Of course. But it’s not fair to assume that because most flight attendants are women who tend to take good care of themselves and look great that they are also cheating on their husbands.
Being a flight attendant is not a job that you get hired for and succeed in based on just looks.
It is a demanding job both physically and mentally. It takes quite a bit of training and skill development to become a flight attendant and there is much more to the job than most people assume.
Why the Stereotype?
As we all know, the media often portrays flight attendants as having affairs and sleeping around while traveling for work. This is no different than a hundred other common tropes in the media that are commonly used to make things more dramatic.
The idea of a group of professionals that travel the world while looking great is too tempting for Hollywood to not put their own spin on it.
After all, it would not be very exciting if you saw a movie about flight attendants and they all just did a great job while working and t
Do Flight Attendants have Affairs with Pilots?
This is also a common question. Many people would think that having pilots working closely with flight attendants would lead to many of them having affairs with each other.
We did our own research to find out just how common this is based on feedback from experienced pilots and flight attendants that are either currently working for airlines or did in the past.
What we found is that it does in fact happen, but isn’t as common as the media will have you think. Many reported to us that they at some point had a co-worker who did have an affair.
Considering how large the pool of flight attendants, pilots, and other aviation professionals is this is not surprising. You would get similar results asking around any group of professionals if anyone they knew had an affair at work.
One thing that seemed to stick out based on their feedback is that while it did happen, it did not seem to be as common as people expected it to be. To the earlier point in this article, flight attendants are people just like the professionals that make up any job. While people having affairs does happen, we should not assume that flight attendants are doing it more than others.
Airline Policy for Colleagues
As you can imagine, airlines frown at the idea of any employees having an affair. In the case of flight attendants, this can lead to a situation that creates risk for the airline. The last thing any airline wants is to have a personal relationship between employees create a bad workplace situation.
If a flight attendant does have an affair with a co-worker (pilot, other flight attendant, etc.) then the door is open to lawsuits, complaints with HR, bad workplace morale, and more.
Because of these factors, most airlines have policies that forbid these types of relationships between employees.
Do Flight Attendants Get Divorced More Often?
A common and related question people have is if flight attendants get divorced more than others. Unfortunately, it seems that the divorce rate for flight attendants is higher than other professions.
According to research that has been done, flight attendants have one of the highest divorce rates.
While having an affair certainly plays a role in this metric, there are other factors that contribute to this statistic. Some examples include the demographics of the profession, the need to travel and be away from home on a regular basis, and other lifestyle choices.
Flight attendants are people just like the professionals that make up any other career. There is no reason to assume that they are more likely to have affairs compared to others. There is also no date we could find that would support this.
While television and movies like to portray flight attendants (and pilots) as international party animals that are regularly living a wile lifestyle, the reality is that they are like other similar groups of people. While some do have affairs, many don’t and instead just focus on having a great career.
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